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A-Z of parenting terms.

Becoming a parent is pretty full on, let alone learning another language. Our A-Z of parenting terms means Dads have one less thing to worry about. Met by the health visitor using unfamiliar words, rather than become disenfranchised and withdrawing, quickly search to understand its meaning, be more involved and enjoy the process more with This Dad Can.

Mums often communicate that having their partner attend classes and health visits makes them feel supported and jointly engaged. At This Dad Can we’re passionate about resourcing you to invest in your family. It would be dumb to allow words to be a barrier to your relationship with your partner and child.

So, if you’re not sure about the difference between antenatal, postnatal, and neonatal? Or the paediatrician, perineum and prolactin worry not.

With responsive search, we’re confident we’ve covered anything you can throw at us, including meconium. So next time you’re feeling a tad out of your depth with all that medical talk, fix up, look sharp and show them who’s the daddy.

This Dad Can equip's men for the challenge of their life- fatherhood. Why stumble your way through the most important role in your life, when you could learn from the experience of others and enjoy the process more. Invest in your family, prepare strategies and improve your resources with This Dad Can.

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This Dad Can

Jon’s the father of two, married for seven years and the Founder & Director of This Dad Can.

He's passionate about health & sport, community action, and personal development. These passions have integrally influenced his character into the man he is today.

This Dad Can resources men, to be the dads they want to be. Covering topics such as happy parenting, communication, supporting mom and practical changes. From short courses to bespoke packages, dads can find us at

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