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We enjoy a bit of banter, but here’s our Forum (FB Group) Rules

Forum Rules

We need rules to help the place run smoothly and protect our broad array of users. So here are a few key pointers..

  • All info is the opinion of posters – it’s not our view. We have an amazing Facebook forums (Groups) with a huge wealth of helpful info. Yet remember it's open to all, and sometimes messages are posted that are misleading or downright wrong. Most users are helpful but there are always a few bad apples. Don't rely on information being accurate or complete. If you do, it's at your own risk. Please do your own research before acting.
  • We can be liable for what you post. When you post something, not only are you liable for what you say, but we can become liable too as the host. So it's not a case of posting what you like, and we can delete posts if needed. Of course, our aim is to ensure legitimate information about being a Dad stays.
  • Posting is a privilege, not a right. This is a privately-owned site. Posting is a privilege, not a right. Any inappropriate posts or any issues that take up a disproportionate amount of resources or make it a worse place to be will be stopped at our discretion - with or without explanation.
  • Please be nice to all People. That’s the forum motto. Remember, the prime aim is to help provide info and resources. If you don’t like someone, their situation, their question or feel they’re intruding on ‘your page’ then please bite the bullet and think of the bigger issue. Organisations or individuals who demonstrate they are anti-women/girls and/or advocate removing resources from women/girls will be removed from the forums. Those who express misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, racism or any other form of bigotry or discrimination on the forums will also be removed.
  • The rules listed above may be changed or amended at any time. These guidelines are here to give you a legitimate expectation of how the forum runs, but they don't bind us.