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Orange Gorilla

Why the Gorilla, guys? At This Dad Can we’ve been asked by a number of you, “Why the Gorilla, guys?”. Male Gorillas are the largest primates in the world, with some recorded weighing over 35 stone. Often known for their brute force, dominance and for being muscular animals. However, despite these characteristics, they are also fantastic gentle patriarchs. The bond that a Silverback has with females forms the core of Gorilla life. Those bonds are sustained by grooming and staying close to one another. The relationship between the Silverback and its offspring is often also… Read More »Why the Gorilla, guys? Here’s the story behind the Gorilla

We’ve Launched! After months of hard work, on 28th April 2017 we officially launched The This Dad Can Team are over the moon. After many hours generating material, meticulously tweaking the website, and lots of coffee, we’re live! At times, we thought it had conquered us, but like working towards all good things- we picked ourselves back up, dusted off our clothes, and threw ourselves back into the ring. You can now sign up for a FREE This Dad Can account and start exploring, contributing to our forums and keep up to date with our blog. We have… Read More »We’ve Launched!