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6 tips for overcoming sleepless nights.

At This Dad Can we know how hard sleepless nights can be. Here’s our run down of tips to cope with those eerie nights.

1. Be flexible

At times, you may have to back down and accept the situation. Your plans for tomorrow may just have to change; your sleep pattern may be temporarily knocked. Work may temporarily have to suffer. But be safe in the knowledge that you’re being flexible and it won’t always be like this.

2. Learn to listen

You’re the best judge of your child. Listen to what they are trying to communicate. Do they want food, affection, a nappy change, are they too hot or cold, or are they just not tired? Rather than driving your own agenda and expecting them to conform, can you make it easier for all of you by listening? Often taking five minutes to meet their needs, can save many hours of conflict.

3. Tame that temper

Everyone loves their sleep, it’s a precious commodity. But don’t let that get in the way of loving your family. We can often start to compare our contribution or conclude we deserve sleep more, but this really isn’t useful for anyone. It can often lead to us being impatient or short tempered. Learn to keep calm in the moment by responding to the situation in front of you. Life is much easier tag teaming with the child's mother, rather than fighting on all fronts.

4. Plan when to plan

Sleepless nights can feel relentless. It often provokes a fear of what if the situation never changes. This can often lead to making irrational decisions or being driven by our emotions. So, plan when to plan. Set some time aside when emotions aren’t high to come up with creative solutions. If you think it’s best to read your child a book before bed, discuss this with the child’s mother at a neutral time, rather than it being communicated at 2 AM when it could be interpreted as criticism.

5. Power nap

Get good at power napping. If all is safe, it's ok to take a nap during the day. Manage your time effectively so you can recognise opportunities and take responsibility for your well being. If you struggle to give yourself permission to rest, setting an alarm can make it a tad easier. Reading a book (paper form) beforehand can help your body slow down and get you in a more restful state. Learn to rest when the kids rest.

6. Routine rocks

Love it or hate it at This Dad Can we’ve seen the positive results of routine. So, whether it's books, bed, doing teeth, going for a walk, doing a chore, or as simple as being tucked in, a routine can make a difference. Find what works for you and be consistent. Your kids will come to love it and become warmed up to going to bed.

If you’re still struggling, head over to our forums where you can discuss and learn from the experience of other Dads.

This Dad Can is an innovative training programme to equip men for the challenge of their life- fatherhood. Why stumble your way through the most important role in your life, when you could learn from the experience of others and enjoy the process more. Invest in your family, prepare strategies and improve your resources with This Dad Can.

Like what you've read, leave your comments below. You may also like to read Those First Sleepless Nights


This Dad Can

Jon’s the father of two, married for seven years and the Founder & Director of This Dad Can.

He's passionate about health & sport, community action, and personal development. These passions have integrally influenced his character into the man he is today.

This Dad Can resources men, to be the dads they want to be. Covering topics such as happy parenting, communication, supporting mom and practical changes. From short courses to bespoke packages, dads can find us at

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